Brad Smith

Brad Smith

You've reached the website of Brad Smith.
I'm a video game programmer and musician from Ontario, Canada.

Lizard I made a video game for the NES called Lizard.
Please visit: LIZARD
If you want to support my ongoing projects, please visit:

Projects NES / Retro Gaming Music Resume

New or Popular Stuff
Sweet Home Manual / スウィートホーム説明書 2024-8-25 English translation and full Japanese transcription of Sweet Home famicom game manual.
hatariB 2023-8-22 Adaptation of Hatari emulator for Libretro/RetroArch.
Simple Interval Timer 2023-6-8 Simple beeping timer given two intervals. 2023-6-7 Python script for making simple automatic movie thumbnail images.
IPS ROM Patcher 2021-5-13 An easy to use tool for patching ROMs.
LotW Tool 2020-4-10 An editor for Legacy of the Wizard.
Famicompo Pico 2 2019-10-3 NES cartridge compilation of Famicompo Pico 2015 entries.
Mega Man & Mega Man 3 (DOS) speed fix 2019-8-1 A patch to make the DOS Mega Man games playable on faster computers.
Huffmunch 2019-6-3 A practical generic lossless compression library for the NES or other 6502 platforms.
Binxelview 2019-4-12 A binary image explorer for investigating uncompressed image and map formats.
NSFPlay 2019-3-30 NES music player for Windows / Winamp.
NESert Golfing 2019-1-30 A simple 2D golfing game for the NES.
Why does an NES cartridge have two ROM chips inside? 2018-11-15 A look at one of the more unique design decisions of the NES.
Lizard 2018-2-6 A game for the NES. Put on a lizard and go for an adventure!
MOON8 2013-8-3 Dark Side of the Moon arranged for NES.
Classic Chips 2011-11-12 Classical favourites arranged for NES.


Profiles: Patreon YouTube Twitter Bluesky Mastodon Twitch Bandcamp GitHub Gist
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brad @