NSF Importer
This is an NSF importer for FamiTracker.
It works by embedding an NSF player into FamiTracker
and inspecting its internal registers at 60 frames per second,
recording this data into a FamiTracker document.
See NSFImporter.txt for usage information.
Please note that NSFImport is not under active development,
and no future updates are planned. If you continue this project
on your own, please let me know.
Sylveon has created a fork of the importer that includes support
for Namco 163 and Sunsoft 5B, as well as other updates:
FamiTracker Forums post (2015-8-5)
The latest version is v0.5, and is available here:
nsfimport_v0.5.zip, ZIP 658kB
v0.5 - 2011-11-21
- Fixed inaccurate starting pitches for hardware slide.
nsfimport_v0.4.zip, ZIP 658kB
v0.4 - 2011-11-21
- Fixed intermittent windows dialog init problem. (Caused hang on some systems.)
nsfimport_v0.3.zip, ZIP 655kB
v0.3 - 2011-11-20
- Updated to FamiTracker 0.3.7.
- Hardware pitch sweep support for 2A03 square channels (Hxy, Ixy).
- FDS modulation table and parameter support (Hxx, Ixx, Jxx).
- DPCM now uses new note release feature instead of halt, eliminates pop to 0.
- VRC6 supports full volume setting range (Vxx).
nsfimport_v0.2.zip, ZIP 632kB
v0.2 - 2011-7-15
- Pattern length and starting row options.
- Namespaced the importer and NotSo Fatso code for better separation.
- DPCM samples now have a filename, prevents crashing.
- Limited support for DPCM offset (Yxx).
- DMC volume write support (Zxx).
- DMC halt support.
- MMC5 duty corrected (Vxx).
- VRC7 support for frequencies outside FamiTracker's gamut.
- VRC7 support for sustain/note release (===).
- Prevent crash on too many frames.
nsfimport_v0.1.zip, ZIP 629kB
v0.1 - 2011-7-8
- First release.
- Support for all current FamiTracker expansions (2A03/FDS/MMC5/VRC6/VRC7).
- No support for high frequency FDS modulation tables.
